Over 1,000 Windows 95 Programs
Over 1000 Windows 95 Programs (Microforum) (Disc 1).iso
Text File
40 lines
Neural Planner is a neural network system for Microsoft Windows.
It has evolved from a planning application (PlanN) that used a
neural network. It is for people who want to use neural networks.
It is not aimed at people who want to investigate or research
into neural networks, it is not a tool kit. It allows the user to
produce multilayered neural networks using a simple graphical
editor or create standard three layer networks from training
files. The user can also produce training, testing and
interrogating files using the facilities in Neural Planner or
using any editor, word processor or spreadsheet that supports
text files. Neural Planner can learn from training files, self
test using testing files and be interrogated by interrogating
files. It can produce spreadsheet or hierarchical output files.
It can also be used interactively.
To install Neural Planner run setup.exe
If you are a registered user of Neural Planner you can ignore
the following notes.
Neural Planner is Shareware. You may use it for a period of 20
days for evaluation. The days do not need to be contiguous. If
you want to continue to use Neural Planner after this period you
must pay for it. Please click the appropriate icon in the Neural
Planner group for details of how to register it. If you do not
intend to register the program after the evaluation period you
must delete it. Click the Uninstall icon to remove Neural
Planner from your hard disc.
Upon registration you will receive:-
A registered copy of the latest version of Neural Planner.
Lifetime support by post or e-mail.
Notification of upgrades to the program.
Free registration of any one upgrade.